Contact the Main Office
716-597-0102 ext. 103
Universal School does offer transportation to district and most non-district students, who attend private school as long as the student lives further than 2 miles from the school building. Students are expected to walk a moderate distance if the residence is less than two miles. A house stop should not be expected unless approved by the Transportation Department.
Buffalo District residents must request a bus form application directly from Universal School. Routing changes take minimally 2 weeks to process with the Buffalo First Student Transportation Department.
Suburban District residents must register their child(ren) NO LATER THAN APRIL 1, 2024 deadline for the 2024-25 school year through the district they reside in. Requests received AFTER April 1 are subject to denial. Transportation requests must be renewed each year. ​*Families must register with transportation and with the Registration Department.
Amherst District
​Buffalo District
Information for Metro Pass for High School Students for Buffalo District
The second Address form, Lost Metro Pass form are all available as fill in electronic forms on the Buffalo Transportation website. Website path (www.buffaloschools.org>Department=Transportation>Forms) or https://www.buffaloschools.org/Page/5051
Parents/Guardians can complete the forms(s) now directly with the Buffalo Transportation Department!
Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, they are not allowing walk-ins at 105 Bailey location. ​
The Transportation Department now has an e-mail address for parents and schools to utilize for their transportation needs: Transportation@buffaloschools.org